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Introduction to Worldvision Music Contest

Dear friends,

art and culture are facing hard times now: theatres, concert halls and clubs are either closed or trying to survive under demanding conditions. The prospects are gloomy. Art and music are forces to make ends meet without any financial support – and, this being even more desastrous, without having any audience feedback.

Perhaps some established musicians already known in the music world would be able to cope with these difficult times in a better way: they remember the feeling of having brought the audience to their feet, they remember standing ovations and they still realize it was worth devoting the best years of their lives to music. But young musicians at the beginning of their carreer, who have not yet found their stage and their audience and have not yet got the necessary approval, – how do they feel? The closed concert halls not only cut off their means of subsistence, but also put in doubt thei artictic future. Why perform if nobody hears you? Where to get one´s inner fire from (to produce a true piece of music) if you are in isolation? How to improve your musical skills – and where to take the money to pay the mentors?

The ranks of the young musicians are thinning rapidly even as we speak. The whole generation of outstanding performers is breaking up with music, ready to get any other job and to survive as the young people don´t see any perspective now. This brings up the next question: when the hard times are over, would we have any musicians to play for us then? Despite of the fact music is an ideal psychological help and support in the times of disease and isolation.

The musical online platform CLASSIC@HOME is going to make every possible effort to preserve the youngsters´ generation for the international music community. Herewith we proudly announce the international Worldvision Music Contest intended to become a dynamic online space for young performers and to bring them and the music lovers from all over the world together. The concept behind the contest is to promote classical music of different genres making it popular, to search for talented young artists and to ensure their musical growth, to establish a dynamic online platform where young musicians and interested audience can communicate (and young musicians can be financially supported by the interested audience), to provide interaction between the young musicians and famous performers from all over the world sharing their best practices as well as to develop and to support the musical activities online.

The musical communities of different countries differ radically: they often grow from different musical roots and develop in opposite directions. However, nowadays the musical community in the whole world is on a harsh survival mission, and the only way to cope with it is to consolidate. Besides, the best possible way to be confident in the future of music is to care for it yourself. Let us give the young musicians a chance to play for the international audience, let us support them in word and in deed – and, surely, let us listen and applause.

Dear music lovers from all over the world, feel free to join us on this exciting trip. Listen, look, communicate, argue and judge – let us care for the future of the world music together!

Yours sincerely,
Fjodor Elesin
Artistic Director
WorldVision music contest

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