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Anna Krzyzak

FlagPoland, Warsaw Mazovia NoteViola

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Anna Krzyżak is a polish concert violist. Despite her young age she is already cosidered as one of the most prominent musicians. She made her solo debut at the age of 13 playing with the Archetti Chamber Orchestra. Since then she has performd as a soloist with many symphony orchestras in Poland. In the years 2016 – 2018 Anna was a member of the LGT Young Soloists Orchestra and she recored two CDs with this Ensemble for the RCA / Sony. Currently, Anna is a principal viola of the Polish Soloists – string orchestra consisting of the most prominent string players. She made her Bachelor degree at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and is currently at her Master at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. Anna was an Erasmus+ student at the Hanns Eisler Hochschule fur Music in Berlin.

Anna Krzyżak has performed all over the Europe and Asia as both, a soloist and a chamber musician. She appeared at Chopin and his Europe Festival, Dresdner Musikfestspiele, Sudtirol Music Festival, Abu Dhabi Classic and La Folle Journee Festival.

She has won several prizes at the international competitions in Poland, Italy, Greece, England and many more. Anna was among twelve young musicians to perform in the „Young Musician of the Year” Competition which is a preselection to Eurovision.

Anna has been awarded the most major Polish scholarships granted by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and the National Cultural Centre. Her instrument is fully covered by the Ministry of Culture.

Anna Krzyżak has participated in master classes guided by Pinchas Zukerman, Yuri Bashmet, Roberto Diaz, Maxim Rysanov, Kirill Troussov, Alexander Gilman, Wolfgang Klos, Yuri Zhislin, Pierre Henri – Xuereb and many more. Anna is mostly focused on period and modern music.


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Participant's status: Classic@Home artist
Anna Krzyzak

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