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Yejune Kim

FlagSouth Korea, Goyang-si Gyeonggi-do NoteDouble bass

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Hello, my name is Yejune Kim. I was born in Suwon, Korea. I started double bass when I was 12 years old and 6th grade in elementary school. A year after I started Double Base, I entered Yewon School, the best art middle school in Korea. After graduating from Yewon School, I did not enter high school but prepared for college entrance exam and entered the Korea National University of Arts at the age of 18. I won prizes at various competitions in Korea. Last year, I was selected as the performer of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and the Philippines and played in Korea. Also, I passed the audition for Kumho Young Artist and am preparing for the solo concert, and I am continuing my career as a musician.


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Participant's status: Classic@Home artist
Yejune Kim

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