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Maria Narodytska

FlagUkraine, Kyiv Kyiv City NotePiano

in current round
in current round
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Maria Narodytska was born in Kiev, Ukraine. She graduated from Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine as a pianist under the guidance of prof. Natalia Tolpygo and as a composer, guided by Iryna Aleksiychuk. Since 2015 she continued her piano studies under prof. Ralf Nattkemper in High School of Music and Theater Hamburg. Now she studies with prof. Stepan Simonian in Hamburg as well as in Graz with prof. Dr. Milana Chernyavska.

Recently Maria won:

  • Ist prize at “Fujairah” IPC (online, 2020)
  • Ist prize at “Sound Espressivo” International Music Competition (online, 2020)
  • Ist prize at “Danubia Talents” IMC (online, 2020)
  • Ist prize at “Triomph de l’Art” IPC (online, 2020)
  • Ist prize at “Citta di Barletta” Music Competition (Barletta, Italy, 2020);
  • Ist prize  at Adilia Alieva IPC (Annemasse, France, 2020);
  • Ist prize  at Tkaczewski IPC (Busko-Zdroj, Poland, 2020);
  • Grand-prix laureate of France Music Competition (Paris, France, 2020);
  • Ist prize at “Future Piano Stars” IPC (online, 2019);
  • Ist prize at “ISCART” IMC (online, 2020)
  • IInd prize (no I awarded) at Mauro Paulo Monopoli IPC (Barletta, Italy, 2020);
  • IInd prize at Campillos IPC (Malaga, Spain, 2020);
  • IInd prize at Paderewski International Piano Competition (Hartford, the USA, 2020);
  • IInd prize at Franz Liszt Center IPC (online, 2021);
  • IInd prize and OnClassical special prize at “Nuova Coppa Pianisti” IPC (online, 2021);
  • IIIrd prize at Santa Cecilia IPC; (Porto, Portugal, 2020);
  • IIIrd prize at AEVEA IPC (Verona, Italy, 2020)
  • Vth prize at Singapore IPC (Singapore, 2021)
  • Diploma at The Gurwitz IPC (San-Antonio, the USA, 2020), as well as prizes at more than 30 other international piano and composition competitions.

In 2019 an album with Maria Narodytska playing Brahms was released under the label OnClassical for further worldwide distribution by Naxos of America. Her second album for Nationalux as a winner of “The most beloved artist” prize at Richter IPC was released on the 18th of September 2020. Her third album devoted to Schubert appeared under OnClassical, published by Naxos of America in March 2021.

Maria’s international concert activity includes such venues as Laeiszhalle in Hamburg; Sala Maffeiana in Verona; Ruth Taylor Recital Hall in San Antonio, as well  as theaters and concert halls all over the world.

Narodytska is supported by Vere Music Fund since 2021.

Participating in numerous master courses, Maria had a chance to take lessons from Daniel Pollack, Lily Dorfman, Andrzej Jasinski, Lev Natochenny, Grigory Gruzman, Mikhail Arkadev, Akiko Ebi, Olga Kern.

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Participant's status: Worldvision participant
Maria Narodytska

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