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Alexander Erokhin Gomez

FlagSpain, Valladolid Castille and León NoteViolin

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Born in 2009 into a family of musicians, Alexander Erokhin took violin classes with prof. Francisca Alecu at the age of 5. From 2017 to may 2021, he studies in Madrid with prof. Elena Pochekina and he participates in the summer courses of The Princess of Asturias Foundation with prof. Sergey Teslya.

Alexander is awarded by international and national competitions such as; VII Competition “Cidade de Vigo” - Spain (Honorable mention), 20º International Competition “Cidade do Fundao” - Portugal (1 Prize), IX International Competition-Festival “Night in Madrid”- Spain (1 Prize), 1 Hedwig Prize Competition - Poland (1 Prize), IX Competition “Cidade de Vigo” - Spain (2 Prize), “String Premium 2021” - Belarus (1 Prize), “SanRemo Music International Competition” - Italia (1 Prize), XXIII Международному конкурсу-фестивалю “Славянские встречи“ - Minsk - Belarus (Grand Prix), III Concurso Jóvenes Intérpretes Ciudad de Estepona - Spain (2 Prize), “Concours International Leopold Bellan 2021” - Francia (1 Prize), “International Youth Competition Nouvelles Étoiles 2021” - Francia (1 Prize), II International Competition “London Bridges” (Grand Prix), MEDICI International Music Competition (1 Prize)

Alexander took part in November 2019, in the 16th Moscow Meets Friends International Festival.

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Participant's status: Classic@Home artist
Alexander Erokhin Gomez

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