Magda Koziej
Poland, Warsaw Mazovia
Magda started playing the harp when she was 9. She studied in Warsaw, Poland, initially with professor Anna Piechura-Gabryś, and later with professors Alina Baranowska-Liese, Barbara Witkowska, and Zuzanna Federowicz. She also participated in several masterclasses with renowned musicians such as Susan McDonald, Urszula Mazurek, Elżbieta Szmyt, Joanna Kozielska, Agnieszka Gralak, Helga Storck, and Alexander Boldachev. Between 2009 and 2014, she played several times with the Wiktorska Harp Open multi-harp ensemble. Of these, the most significant were the performances at the 2011 La Folle Journee Les Titans festival in Warsaw, Poland. In 2013, Magda was awarded the 3rd prize at The 5th International Contest of Harp Duets in Cieszyn, Poland. In 2016, she participated in a project referred to as ‘Young Philharmonic’, which included performances with Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra. She also played the harp with several youth orchestras in notable concert halls in Poland. This season Magda is starting her harp Bachelor degree study with professor Małgorzata Komorowska at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Besides playing the harp, Magda studies biology at The University of Warsaw, Poland, she loves skiing, film soundtracks, choir singing, and animated films.
In the second round of this contest Magda plays two pieces: 1) La Mélodieuse by Louis-Claude Daquin, transcribed for harp by Henriette Renié, and 2) Au Matin - Etude de Concert by Marcel Tournier.
In the first (regional) round she played Variations on the Russian Song ‘Nochenka’ by Vasily I. Vinogradov.
She studied and prepared the first and second round pieces under thoughtful direction and supervision of professor Zuzanna Federowicz.