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Simonа Supinyte

FlagLithuania, Klaipėda Klaipėda County NoteViolin

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Simona was born 2008 in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Recently turned 13 years. Playing violin from age of 5.

Started from secondary  music school and two years ago pass exams and got in to "E. Balsio" Arts Gymnasium. Has participated in and won several republican and international competitions.


2021 I place 95/100 "Ad libitum" international competition for young performers instrumental music.

2021 - II place 87/100 points in "VIVA MUSICA" the first republican competition for young performers

2021 - II place 89/100 points in "Čekų Parafrazės" the first republican young performers Czech music competition festival

Simona not only plays music but also has talent to write it. Easily creates amazing melodies for both violin and piano.

This year ambition is to prepare for enter exams to National M.K.Čiurlionis School of Art in Vilnius.

Simona participating in competitions for inspiration and challenge.




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Participant's status: Classic@Home artist
Simonа Supinyte

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