Lill Szeflinski
Norway, Ålesund Møre og Romsdal Violin
Lill Szeflinski
Born on the 08.02.2010 in Molde/Norway. When she was 5,5 years old the passed the entrance exam for Wieniawski’s National Musical School 1. grad in Warszawa. The first class she passed with full marks.
Since June 2016 she is being privately tutored by several music teachers and violinists like for example:
Magister H. Ryfczynska, Warsaw/Poland
Magister Ove Kvangarsnes, Aalesund
Magister Ai-Ling Chiu, Taiwan/Norway
Magister Samuel Skrede, Aalesund
Dosent Valentina Yakubovskaya, St. Petersburg/Russia
Doktor Eva Koser Mikolajczyk, Warsaw/Poland
Prof. Marek Szwarc, Warsaw/Poland
Prof. Pawel Radzinski, Bydgoszcz/Poland
Prof. Marcin Baranowski Poznan/Poland
Lill participated in several violin competitions masterclass in Lancut/Poland, Busko Zdroj/Poland, Zywiec/Poland, and Aalesund/Norway. In October 2018 was Lill awarded a prestigious grant from Foundation Kjell Holm/Aalesund.
Lill participated in several national and international violin competitions where she was awarded first place.
1st Place: III National competition for violin miniatures in Warsaw; March 2018
1st Place: XI National Competition for students of all Specialties „Maly czy duzy wituoz" („Smal or big virtuoso „) in Warsaw; March 2018
1st Place: Midgard-competition in Horten/Norway (prestigious competition in classical music for the age group 8-12), September 2018
1st Place: International Violin competition in Zywiec/Poland (in the age group up to 14 years old), October 2018
1st Place: Regional UMM in Aalesund; November 2018
1st Place: National UMM in Oslo; January 2021
1st place; Internatioonal Music-, Dance- and Art-competition ALPIN TRIGLAV, 02.-07.03.2021, Slovenia
3st Place; XIX International Violin Competition «Janko Muzykant»; Sochaczew/Poland, 26.03.2021
1st Place in finalen; UMM (Ungdomens Musikk Mensterskap); Oslo March 2021
Honorable mention; International String Instrument Competition; Elblag/Poland 22.-25.04.2021
1st Place; XVII International Competition Digi-Talent Spring 2021; «Kaleidoscope of Talents» (Kalejdoskop Talentow); Polanica Zdroj/Poland May 2021
3st Place; International Music Competition «OPUS 2021»; Krakow/Poland, May 2021
2nd Place; International Youth Music Competitions; Atlanta/USA, 19.06.2021
3. pris; International Fiolinkonkurranse om St. Jadwigas Pris; Morawa/Poland, 30.07.2021