Nurkanifa Kadyrzhanova
Kazakhstan, Almaty Almaty
Nurkanifa was born in 2006. She is a student of the Kazakh Music School named after A. Zhubanov in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
She regularly performs with the Kazakh State Symphony Orchestra and the State Chamber Orchestra “Camerata Kazakhstan”. She participated in Summer School of the Charitable Foundation "New Names" in Suzdal, Russia (2021).
List of achievements:
- Laureate of the Grand Prix of the 48th republican competition of young musicians
- Laureate of the first degree of the international music competition "Tanysu Almaty"
- Laureate of the first degree of the 6th international competition of young musicians
"Zhas talent - 2017”;
-Laureate of the first degree of the Eurasian musical games in Astana, Kazakhstan
- Laureate of the second degree of the international competition of young performers in
Astana (2018);
- Laureate of the Grand Prix at the International Competition for Young Performers
named after A. Zhubanov (2019);
-Participant of the lX International Competition for Young Violinists in Novosibirsk,
Russia (2019);
-Laureate of the first degree of the international competition "New Soloist" (2021)
Nurkanifa took part in a master class of an associate professor Zaure Zharova of the Moscow
State Conservatory named after P.Tchaikovsky (2017), master class of the professor
Pavel Vernikov of the Vienna Conservatory (2019), master class of the artistic director
Sherniyaz Musakhan of the chamber orchestra "Young Soloists of Eurasia", master
class of the professor S.I. Kravchenko of the Moscow State Conservatory named after