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Odesa Meti

FlagAlbania, Shkodër Shkodër NotePiano

in current round
in current round
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Odesa Meti was born in Melbourne, Australia in 2006.
She started her studies at the Artistic School “Prenke Jakova” in 2012, in the discipline of piano, after moving back to Albania where she currently resides.

Her first appearance was in 2014 in the national piano competition “EPTA Albania”, where she was awarded the “Absolute” prize, which was also followed by the awarding of another prize- “Carola Grindea” in her final debut that same year. Every year that “EPTA Albania” edition that was held after, Odesa has been awarded the “Absolute” prizes (namely the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019). In 2014, she also won the “Absolute Prize” in the international competition “Don Matteo Colucci”.

In year 2017 she was awarded the “Carola Grindea” prize, for the second time. In EPTA Albania” 2018, she won the “Tonin Harapi” special prize, named after a very influential composer in Albania. 
In years 2014, 2015, 2017, 2020 she won the First (Absolute) prizes in the “Pjetër Gaci” regional competition.

In 2021 she won the First Place and also a “Special Prize” for her appearance in Tirana Talent.

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Participant's status: Worldvision participant
Odesa Meti

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