Inela Chergova
Bulgaria, Sofia Sofia-Capital
Inela Chergova is 17 years old, born in 2004, she starts playing the harp in 2015. Inela was one of the two accepted to study harp in the National School of Music “Lyubomir Pipkov” in Sofia, Bulgaria. Since than she is a student of doctor Kohar Andonian who has been responsible for most of her development and skills.
In June 2021 she participated in French “MusicCompetitionOnline” winning first place with honorable mention in the higher age category.
As a young musician she has participated in a variety of masterclasses with internationally known musicians and pedagogues such as Suzanna Klintcharova, who has been a major role in her progress in musical thinking, style and technical skills, Edmar Castaneda, Emanuela Esposti, Viktor Hartobanu, Anna Loro, Rositza Milevska, Stasa Grujic, Youliana Tochkova and others.
In the first two years of her education she has participated in competitions such as “International Classical Music Competition for Young Performers” in Pernik, Bulgaria and “Online Music Competition” Serbia, winning second prizes. During her 6 years experience she has been part in many concerts in some of the biggest halls in Bulgaria, two concerts in Saint-Merrie church and “Conservatoire des Colombes” in Paris in 2019 and 2021 with full scholarships from “New Bulgarian University”. At June 2021 she made her first concert by her own with one hour repertoire.
Currently she is taking part in more and more concerts and events, developing her skills and participating in more music competitions with bigger success.