Tudor Mihai Ionеscu
Romania, Timişoara Timiş
Tudor Mihai Ionescu is born in March 12th 2010. When he was 6 years old he started studying cello in Music School “Ion Vidu” Temeswar with professor Stefan Ambrus.
Since then he won many prices on national and international cello competition:
Euroregional Competition “Eugen Cuteanu” Temeswar, Romania 2017, 2018 and 2019 – 1st Prize
Vocal and Instrumental Competition and Visual Arts “Sigismund Toduta” Deva, Romania 2018 – 1st Prize
10th International Music Competition Belgrade, Serbia 2019 – 2nd Prize
National Competition “Timotei Popovici” Sibiu, Romania 2019 – 1st Prize
National Competition of instrumental interpretation for students, regional stage 2020 – 1st Prize
International Online Competition “Violin Doc” 2021 – 1st Prize
International Online Competition George Manoliu Master of Strings 2021, Romania – 1st Prize
IX David Popper International Cello Competition, Varpalota Hungary- 3rd Prize
Also, he was an active participant on cello masterclasses:
Cello Summer Kids and Romanian Chamber Orchestra Masterclass 2020, 2021 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Octavian Lup
Eufonia Festival and Masterclass under supervision of cellist Valentin Radutiu (Germany) 2020 and Stephan Forck (Germany) 2021