Aylin Mahmudovа
Azerbaijan, Baku Baki
Hi! I'm Aylin, a young pianist from Baku, Azerbaijan. I am 13 years old . I started to attend music lessons when I was 10 years old . Then due to pandemic I couldn’t go to lessons regularly. A few months ago I began again, because I understood that to be a pianist is my dream . About 8 years I was studying at Baku Oxford school and in January 2022 I switched to a Special Secondary Music school in order to spend all my time to music. It was very difficult at the beginning. Because I had a music education 3 years ( actually 1 year) and here I had to learn and play 8 grade school program. But with intensive practicing I have finished the program . I have passed all exams and got the highest marks .
Worldvision was my first Competition. In one year I have become winner of some Competition. Here are names of them
Culture Caravan Poland II Laureate Solo, Summer 2021 online
Star Bridge Greece II Laureate junior Solo August 2021 online
Worldvision national round II Prize online 2021 online
Fisetalonia American Edition I Prize online 2022 Fiestalonia Sea Sun Festival , Lloret de mar Spain Live ,II Prize .2022
London Young Musician 2021-2022 season 4 Gold Prize , online
European Classical Music Awards Spring Music Competition 2022 Gold Prize , online
Sopravista International Festivals Online Contest “Prometheus “ I laureate . 2022.
European Classical a music Awards Elite Piano Competition Gold Prize 2022, online .