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Swantje Asche-Tauscher

FlagGermany, Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg NoteViolin

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Swantje Asche-Tauscher belongs to the generation of young german violinists who enchant with their “expressive and resonant playing” (FZ).
The talented artist appeared as soloist at the young age of fourteen in the Liederhalle Stuttgart, played at the Stiftung Mozarteum in Salzburg, has been invited to festivals such as the Palermo Classica and is lecturer of "Strings in Motion" at the University Mozarteum, Innsbruck. In 2021 her debut album „Après un rêve“ was released by the renown Label „Hänssler Classic“.

A lover of the vast orchestral literature, the native of Stuttgart is actively engaged in Europe's orchestral scene. She is currently first concertmaster of Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg. She played in 2021 a project as deputy first concertmaster with the SWR Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart. During the 2019/20 season Swantje Asche-Tauscher held a concertmaster position in the Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck. Since 2020 she is also teaching the preparatory class in Böblingen. 

Swantje Tauscher received numerous distinctions in competitions, among others the Klassikpreis Münster with the opportunity of being broadcasted live by the Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR).  She was in 2012 a recipient of the Baden-Württemberg Stipendium, which enabled her to attend the Royal College of Music in London. In 2021 Swantje Asche-Tauscher received the „Neustart Kultur“ scholarship in Germany.
After preparatory studies at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart with Prof. Christian Sikorski and the Royal College of Music, Swantje Asche-Tauscher furthered her studies at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg, where she obtained her Bachelor of Arts (Prof. Igor Ozim) and Master of Arts (Prof. Rainer Schmidt) degrees in violin performance with honours, and finished her postgraduate studies (Prof. Esther Hoppe) in 2019. 
To best transmit her knowledge and artistry, in 2016 Swantje Asche-Tauscher undertook studies in instrumental pedagogy with a specialization in viola (Prof. Peter Langgartner) which she completed successfully in 2020.

She has received further artistic mentorship by great musicians such as Peter Buck (Melos Quartett), Imre Rohmann, Eliot Fisk, Wolfgang Redik and Simone Fontanelli.


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Participant's status: Classic@Home artist
Swantje Asche-Tauscher

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