Ludmila Dzhioeva
Russia, Rostov-na-Donu Southern
I was born on March 11, 2009 in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
I started learning to play the Violin at age of 4.
In 2015, I entered the Musical School No. 7 named after G.M. Balaev in Rostov-on-Don - Children's Art School, at the class of the Violin teacher Mrs. Natalya N. Gorlova.
In 2018, I entered the Secondary Special Musical School (College) by the Rostov' s State Conservatory named after S.V. Rakhmaninov.
2017 - winner of the First degree of the International Competition of performing skills "Inspiration".
2017 - winner of the First degree of the III International Festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "Stars Fiesta".
2018 - winner of the First degree of the VIII International Competition of Children's and Youth creativity "Stars Rain".
2018 - winner of the First degree of the International Competition of Performing Skills "Inspiration. Spring 2018".
2019 - winner of the First degree of the 1st Open Southern-Russian competition "Solo with the Orchestra".
2020, August - took part in the Final qualifying round for the All-Russian Youth Symphonic Orchestra conducted by maestro Yuriy Bashmet, and bacame a member of the Trainee Group.
2020, November - Second degree Diploma in Finland, Turku at the International Violin Competition named for Y. Sibelius
2020, December - Grand-Prix of the VI International Musical Competition "Recognition".
2021, January - Grand-Prix of the VI Rostov-on-Don City's Instrumental Competition named after M.F. Gnesin "Flight of the Soul and Inspiration !"
2021, February - participation at the Winter International Festival of Arts at Sochi city, Russia, took part in master-classes, rehearsals of the All-Russian Youth Symphonic Orchestra conducted by maestro Y.Bashmet, as a trainee - first violin.
2021, April - winner of the First degree (Violin) of the XIX International Festival-Competition of young performers "Crimean Spring-2021", Yalta.
2021, April - Grand-Prix as the member of the violinist ensemble of the XIX International Festival-Competition of young performers "Crimean Spring-2021", Yalta.
2021, May - Diploma of the First degree of the 3rd Southern Russian competition "Solo with the Orchestra".
2021, June-July - Diploma of the First degree of the 5th International Musical Festival "Grand Piano in Palace - 2021", St.- Petersburg (Violin, soloist)
2021, November - First Degree Diploma of the 1st International Musical Competition of young musicians named for N.Sabitov, Ufa, Russia
I play the Violin, learning to play the Piano, doing vocal lessons. I like skiing at winter time, snowboarding, play tennis. I am learning English and German languages. Composing music.