Poland, Przeźmierowo Greater Poland
Zarina Zaradna was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine on May 16, 2011.
Zarina's mother comes from Russia, Zarina's father from Poland.
Currently, Zarina is studying with Dr. Anna Sikorzak-Olek
Zarina is now 10 years old, but is already a very mature artist.
She loves to perform on stage in front of an audience.
He feels great in front of the camera.
She has already been on television a dozen times.
She has a lot of competition successes:
2020 - Belgrade, Serbia;
2020 - Warsaw, Poland;
1st place:
2021 - Szczecin, Poland - age category up to 11 years
2021 - Szczecin, Poland - OPEN category
2021 - Glowing Harp, Kahrkov, Ukraine
2021 - Lugano, Switzerland
2021 - Warsaw, Poland;
2020 - Athens, Greece;
2020 - Limoges, France
2019 - Praha, Czech Republic;
2019 - Łódź, Poland
2019 - Cieszyn, Poland;
Zarina participated in the international competition VIRTUOSOS V4 + in Budapest in 2020,
where she won a silver medal.
Zarina likes to dance modern dance and goes to ballet.
Zarina is a volunteer for "It's Never Too Late".
Zarina in the future wants to become a composer and a well-known harpist.