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Matias Damian Rivas

FlagArgentina, Córdoba Cordoba NoteViolin

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Born in Córdoba (Argentina) in 1997, he began his music studies at the “Domingo Zípoli - Escuela De Los Niños Cantores De Córdoba” school, graduating with the title of Bachelor of Music, Choir Trainer;  receiving the distinction for Musical Merit.

 At the age of six he began his violin studies with the guidance of his aunt Mariana Villareal (currently violinist of the Córdoba Symphony Orchestra), at the age of ten he would continue his studies with maestro Dmitry Pokras (currently violin professor at the Faculty of  From Artes UNC, student of B.Mordkovich).

 In 2016 he entered the Faculty of Arts of Córdoba, where he continues his studies to this day in the career of "Bachelor of Instrumental Improvement (violin)"

 He has performed as a soloist on numerous occasions and in various musical groups with which he performed concerts, recitals and recordings (Libertador General San Martín Theater, Orfeo Superdomo, Gran Rex Theater, Royal Theater, National Radio Auditorium, and others).

 He is currently a member of the “Odessa Violinist Ensemble” of the National University of Córdoba, performing concerts in the “Postales del Mundo” cycle at the National Radio Auditorium, under the artistic direction of Dmitry Pokras and Tatiana Shundrovskaya

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Participant's status: On the way
Matias Damian Rivas

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