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Kieun An

FlagSouth Korea, Wŏnju Gangwon-do NotePiano

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South Korean pianist, Kieun An, who made her successful debut at Gewandhaus in Leipzig in 2016, studied at Sunhwa Art School, Yonsei University and the University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig. She finished her master's degree at the University of Music »Hanns Eisler« Berlin with Prof. Birgitta Wollenweber, and since 2021 has been studying the concert examination with Prof. Arnulf von Arnim at the Münster University of Music.

Starting with a solo recital in Plauen, Kieun continued her career as a soloist, performing at Schumann-House Zwickau, Neuberin-Museum Reichenbach, Gala Concert “Zeitreise” for the 175th Anniversary in the main hall of HMT Leipzig.

Kieun has unceasingly searched for new experience and learning, attending numerous master classes of renowned musicians such as Géry Moutier, Arnulf von Arnim, Robert Levin, Sontraud Speidel, and Claudio Martinez-Mehner.


• The 27th International Music competition Città di Barletta in Italien (1. Preis) 
• The 4th Tadini International Piano competition in Italien (1. Preis) 
• The 3rd Danubia Budapest Music International competition in Hungary (1. Preis) 
• The 2nd Iscart international music competition in Lugano, Switzerland (3. Preis)
• The Youth of Music International Competition 2021 in București, România (Jury special Preis)
• Opus International music Competition in Krakow, Poland (2. Preis)
• Arthur Rubinstein Piano competition in Canada (3. Preis)

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Participant's status: Classic@Home artist
Kieun An

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