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Andrew Ruhs

FlagAustralia, Brisbane Queensland NotePiano

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Andrew Ruhs, born in 2001 in Sydney, Australia, started his piano education at the age of six. His musical education began at the Musikum in Hallein, Austria.

Andrew joined the Queensland Youth Conservatorium at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, in 2016 for both cello and piano. Under the tutelage of Dr Mark Griffiths, Andrew was awarded first prizes at the 2018 Brisbane and 2021 Redlands Eisteddfods and was a finalist at the 2019 Youth Conservatorium Concerto Competition. 

While continuing his piano education at the Youth Conservatorium and completing his AMEB LmusA, he is a cellist in the Brisbane Philharmonic Orchestra and is completing his degree in Pharmacy and Medicine at the University of Queensland.

Regional Round:
Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody no. 12

National Round:
Bach - Chromatic Fantasia in D minor BWV903
Mozart/Liszt - Lacrymosa from Requiem KV626

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Participant's status: Classic@Home artist
Andrew Ruhs

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